1. Use the smart people around you! I always thought I could do everything myself - wrong! The more you leverage the people around you, the more successful you will be. Find things that people are good at, and put them to work doing those things. Recognizing and using people's talent is an invaluable skill.
2. Set the tone. You need to be the ultimate advocate and enthusiast for your fraternity. Everyone looks to you for guidance. When you lose confidence, everyone else loses it too. When you exude pride and confidence in your fraternity, your chapter feels it too. Even if you don't feel like it, put a
smile on. Even if you don't feel strong, act like it.
3. Get everyone involved. This might be the hardest part of being president. Getting people involved, and making them feel a part of it makes them motivated and gets everyone moving in the same direction. Be sure, however, you aren't forcing people in a direction. If you want to make a change in your chapter, it has to be something that everyone (or a majority at least) wants. Get people excited about, get them on board and make them a part of that change. You'll never see that success without everyone moving in the same direction.
4. Motivate leadership. To be successful, the leaders around you must be as motivated as you are. Praise them when they do well, call them out when they aren't carrying their load. The leaders around you need to feel empowered, and they need you to empower them.
5. Motivate the workhorses. Every chapter has these guys - the ones who are willing to work hard for the chapter, but aren't necessarily ready or willing to be leaders. These guys are especially valuable to you, because without them, a lot of things would never get done. Make sure that you recognize these brothers and let them know how appreciated they are. Honest, true gratitude shown to these brothers goes a long way towards motivating them. There will also be those workhorses that aren't achieving their potential: show them how they fit into the chapter's success and how much you need them there will do wonders.
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