Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Transition to Power

Setting Your Chapter Up for Success!

Over the last few weeks we have all been witness to what the media has dubbed "the Transition to Power" of President-elect Barrack Obama. Whether you agree with his politics or not, you can surely appreciate the great care that both the incoming and outgoing administrations are taking in order to have a seamless change of power. This is very important for a country with so many complicated issues at hand, as well as for your fraternity chapter.

Why is the Transitional Period so Important to a Chapter?

The transitional period between one Executive Board/Cabinet to another is vital to the continuing success of a chapter. Greek organizations are unique in the fact that their entire undergraduate membership is completely recycled every four years. If this was a company, it would most likely go under with such a horrible turnover rate!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Make the Right Choice

Being a leader isn't always easy. Leadership can be a lonely place. The decisions you make won't always be popular. But making the right decision is always the best choice. Leaders who make the right choice are always more respected in the end than those who make the popular choice.